To a perfectionist who is anxious to avoid making mistakes, repentance can seem like a daunting task. However, we did not always feel so negative about repentance.
When we lived with Heavenly Father in the pre-mortal life, He showed us His plan. He told us we would have a Savior to make it possible for us to return to our heavenly home. We were told that one way to access the Savior’s power was to repent. We were overjoyed with this plan! We rejoiced at the concept of repentance!
Unfortunately, now that we are here on earth, rarely do we jump for joy when we think about repentance. The following story is similar to many:
There was a period in my life where I felt like I was terrible at repentance. I went to church and would listen to people discuss repentance, virtue, obedience, etc. and I felt like I was a failure with all of it. I didn’t see myself improving, forsaking my sins, being worthy, nor doing the things I was supposed to do.
One day I talked to a friend of mine and told him how I couldn’t stop beating myself up over what I considered to be “my lack of repentance.” He told me that there are so many people who come to church with zero thought of repentance; they aren’t actually pondering about what they need to change in their lives. So he said the fact that I was even concerned with repenting at all was a sure sign that I was a good person, doing the right thing.
To add to that, author and professor Anthony Sweat once taught that being obedient to the Gospel of Jesus Christ includes repenting. He explained that being obedient by repenting sounds like an oxymoron, but it is not. Heavenly Father does not expect us to live without any flaws. Thus when we are repenting, we are absolutely making the right choice!
Another important factor to remember is that repentance has to do with looking at ourselves as a glass half full, not half empty. We can look at the good we are doing in our lives and add more good things. It is not only about removing the “bad.”
Repentance may not be immediate. Turning away from our sins and not wanting to do them anymore takes time. But let me remind you what is immediate, is that the Lord will forgive you in an instant.
“And the Lord God hath sent his holy prophets among all the children of men, to declare these things to every kindred, nation, and tongue, that thereby whosoever should believe that Christ should come, the same might receive remission of their sins, and rejoice with exceedingly great joy,” (Mosiah 3:13, emphasis added.)